PTA Members

A Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an organization that aims to improve a school. Composed of parents, teachers, and staff, PTAs work to raise funds and strengthen the sense of community within a school. PTAs are often known for fundraising efforts, but they do more than just raffle off items. They might also handle the collection and resale of second-hand uniforms, support other parents, and organize seasonal events that celebrate cultural diversity while raising funds for the school.

Working of PTA

B S Bane International School keep the following points for proper working of PTA meeting following points in the mind:

  • We create a meeting schedule and communicate date and timing of the PTA meeting.
  • On meeting, begin by discussing positive aspect of the child’s experiences in the class and also end up with student’s strengths.
  • Talk about Child’s work. Discuss the child’s performance in each subject.
  • We close the meeting by setting goals for the child’s future work and also suggest strategies for meeting those goals.

Aims of PTA

Major aims and objectives of conducting PTA in the school are as follows:-

  • To bring home and school in close contact.
  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, society and community.
  • To raise the standards of home life of the child.
  • To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of the children and youth.
  • To encourage parents to become more involved with children’s school.
  • To provide support for school events and others important occasions.

Importance of PTA

Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) play a vital role in fostering communication, collaboration, and support between parents, teachers, and the school community. Some of the key importance of PTAs include:

Enhanced Communication

PTAs provide a platform for open communication between parents and teachers, fostering understanding and cooperation to support student learning and well-being.

Parental Involvement

PTAs encourage parental involvement in school activities, which has been linked to improved academic performance, behavior, and attendance among students.

Support for Teachers

PTAs can provide resources, volunteer support, and appreciation activities for teachers, helping to create a positive and supportive work environment.

Community Building

PTAs help build a sense of community within the school, fostering relationships among parents, teachers, administrators, and students.


PTAs advocate for the needs of students and families, both within the school and at the broader community or policy level, ensuring that voices are heard and concerns addressed.


PTAs often organize fundraising activities to support school programs, projects, and resources that may not be covered by the regular budget, enriching the educational experience for students.

Educational Support

PTAs may organize educational workshops, events, or programs that complement the school curriculum and provide additional learning opportunities for students and families.

Overall, PTAs serve as a bridge between home and school, working collaboratively to promote the academic success and well-being of all students.